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SQLNM/CMDO 2023 Scientific Meeting – Scientific Abstract Submission

October 18th, 2022

CMDO Network News General Public News 

The call for Abstracts for our SQLNM/CMDO 2023 Scientific Congress is now open. Call for abstracts! SQLNM and CMDO’s joint scientific meeting Share your cardiometabolic health research findings and discuss with experts at the scientific meeting!   Submit an abstract The deadline for submitting an abstract is Tuesday, November 1, 2022 11:59 PM.   PRELIMINARY PROGRAM   […]


April 16th, 2021

CMDO Network News General Public News 

Nos conférenciers : Dr Stéphane Hatem (Paris, France), Dre Marianne Coutu (CRCHUS), M. Yvan Frappier (patient partenaire) et Philippe Pibarot (CRIUPQ) ; 7 présentations orales étudiantes et une Table de discussion sur les enjeux CMDO; Le diabète et l’obésité entraînent des complications graves à long terme. Un exemple frappant provient des complications du diabète, pouvant […]


January 27th, 2021

CMDO Network News General Public News 

Il y a 100 ans, une découverte canadienne a changé le monde. En 1921, Frederick Banting et Charles Best, avec le soutien de John Macleod puis de James Collip, ont amorcé à l’Université de Toronto leur série d’expériences qui ont mené, en moins d’un an, aux premières injections d’extraits de pancréas purifiés afin de traiter […]

The French-speaking Quebec week dedicated to education on cardiometabolic health, diabetes and obesity will take place from February 6 to 12, 2021… IN VIRTUAL FORMAT!

October 29th, 2020

CMDO Network News 

An event not to be missed … Come and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin !!! The Annual Scientific Meeting (February 10 to 12 in virtual format via the ZOOM platform): Deadline for submitting a scientific abstract – October 30, 2020; Deadline for early registrations – December 14, 2020; Congress accredited for […]


February 19th, 2020

CMDO Network News 

On behalf of the organizing committee, we warmly thank all the participants (232 – a record!) who made this CMDO week once again live up to expectations! This year, we focused on cardiometabolic diseases in the era of the digital revolution. In response to the suggestions of participants from previous years, we wanted to highlight […]

CMDO Ambassadors in Paris in December

October 7th, 2019

CMDO Network News 

ICAN Conference Series 2019 in Paris – Our young ambassadors who will represent the CMDO Network in Paris in December are now known – all the details HERE.


October 7th, 2019

CMDO Network News 

Congratulations to Alexandre Garneau (Teams of Julie Lavoie and Paul Isenring) and Abderrahim Benmoussa (Team of Valérie Marcil) who win the prestigious Yves-Dehaies Rising Stars Award. Come meet them at the 2020 Congress! All the details of the contest HERE

The CMDO Network is now on Twitter

September 28th, 2019

CMDO Network News 

Visit our Twitter account @rrcmdo to be aware of the latest CMDO news (eg contest deadlines, new training programs, funding).


February 27th, 2019

CMDO Network News 

On behalf of the organizing committee, we warmly thank all the participants (230) who made this week CMDO once again live up to expectations! This year we have placed the meeting under the theme of metabolic health and interventions over the course of life. In response to suggestions from previous years’ participants, we wanted to […]

Joint annual meeting of SQLNM, CMDO Network and COLosSUS Congress : 6-8 February 2019

September 17th, 2018

CMDO Network News 

To view the 2019 Congress webpage – Click HERE and to see the 2019 program, click the Download program icon. The Quebec Society of Lipidology, Nutrition and Metabolism (SQLNM) under the presidency of Dr. Pierre Julien, and the Cadiometabolic Health Diabetes and Obesity Research Network, (CMDO), as well as the Complications of Obesity Laval and […]

Review of the Francophone Quebec week dedicated to education on cardiometabolic health, diabetes and obesity!

February 22nd, 2018

CMDO Network News 

On behalf of the organizing committee, we warmly thank all the participants (219) who made this week CMDO once again live up to expectations! This year’s program focused on inter-organ dialogue (eg, bone and energy metabolism, mental health and nutrition, behavioral and psychosocial factors to optimize bariatric surgery, and the influence of the environment on […]

The CMDO Network launches all its competitions for the 2017-2018 season

August 31st, 2017

CMDO Network News 

We are pleased to announce that all competitions (Funding and Training Programs) are now open. A list of funding opportunities is available at the end of this message. Please note that some rules have been changed. We encourage you to consult the web pages of each contest to verify your eligibility and to inform you […]

Renewal of the CMDO Network

May 15th, 2017

CMDO Network News 

Good news!   We are pleased to announce that funding for the CMDO Network has been renewed for the next 4 years (2017-2021)! Therefore, all competitions will soon be relaunched, we will keep you informed.

Winter camp, annual meeting and SPOR formation 2017

January 25th, 2017

CMDO Network News 

As every year, in February, the CMDO network is proud to be part of the great french-speaking Québec week reserved for education on cardiometabolic health, diabetes and obesity. This year,  the winter camp will be held on February 4-7, the Annual scientific meeting on 8-10, and for the first time, the formation on patient-oriented research of the […]

Call for abstract for the 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Société Québécoise de Lipidologie, de Nutrition et de Métabolisme (SQLNM), of the Research Network on Cardiometabolic health, diabetes and obesity (CMDO) and the COLosSUS congress.

October 11th, 2016

CMDO Network News 

The CMDO network is currently in the process of a call for abstract for the 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Société Québécoise de Lipidologie, de Nutrition et de Métabolisme (SQLNM), of the Research Network on Cardiometabolic health, diabetes and obesity (CMDO) and the COLosSUS congress. This event will be held February 8-10, 2017 at the Chéribourg Hotel, Magog-Orford in Eastern Township. The period to […]

Laureates of the 4th ICAN Conference Series 2016 contest

August 29th, 2016

CMDO Network News 

It’s with a great pleasure the CMDO Network announce the laureates of the 4th edition of the ICAN conference series 2016 contest that will be held this year in Paris, 8-10 December. The young ambassadors from Quebec who will represent us this year are: Nida HAIDER, Sabri Ahmed RIAL, Marjorie BOYER, Julie Anne CÔTÉ, Jean-Philippe DROUIN-CHARTIER and […]

4th edition of the SQLNM/CMDO/COLosSUS joint conference

April 13th, 2016

CMDO Network News 

This year, for its 4th edition, the joint conference of the SQLNM, the CMDO and Colossus was a huge success. Over 225 participants, prestigious guest speakers, and students whose presentations were of quality! Congratulations to Dr. Mathieu Laplante, 2016 CMDO Young Investigator Award, and Dr. André Carpentier, 2016 SQLNM Founders award. Congratulations to the winners of […]

Winners of the ICAN conference series 2015 contest

February 4th, 2016

CMDO Network News 

Congratulations to the winners of the ICAN contest who had represented the colors of the CMDO network at the 3rd ICAN Conference Series which took place in Paris, 10-12 December 2015. ICAN offered them accommodation, entry fees and meals. The CMDO Network supported the travel costs up to $ 500 each. This fruitful collaboration between […]

Welcome to the website of the CMDO Network of the FRQS.

January 25th, 2013

CMDO Network News 

Created in April 2012 by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS), the mission of the Research Network on Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes and Obesity is to develop research of excellence in these fields, to transmit the know and value the knowledge to promote the quality of life of Quebecers. Our website will, we […]