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Fonds de recherche sur la santé


The hepatokine Tsukushi is released in response to NAFLD and impacts cholesterol homeostasis

5 December 2019

Science Pearls 

Article published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation by Mathilde Mouchiroud (Mathieu Laplante’s team).

With this article, Mathilde has won the FRQS Jacques-Genest Relève Étoile Award for the month of November – see the new HERE.

Article title : « The hepatokine Tsukushi is released in response to NAFLD and impacts cholesterol homeostasis. »

An article published by Dr. Mathieu Laplante’s team identifies a new hepatokine named Tsukushi (TSK) as a blood marker released in response to liver stress. Tsk expression is induced by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) as well as by endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation, conditions associated with NAFLD. Gain- and loss-of-function studies in mice show that TSK has an impact on systemic cholesterol homeostasis. The data collected identifies the hepatokine Tsukushi as a possible new link between liver metabolism dysfunction, cholesterol metabolism disruption and cardiovascular disease development, a leading cause of death in obese people.

Read this article to learn more (JCI Insight 2019): Click HERE.

Dr. Mathieu Laplante’s research laboratory website:

Author of the news: Mathilde Mouchiroud (CRIUCPQ – ULaval, Quebec).