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Fonds de recherche sur la santé


Physical activity and obesity: Is weight loss the best target?

13 December 2019

Science Pearls 

Dr. Robert Ross talk at the ANZOS-ASLM-ICCR 2019 Conference Joint National and International Conference on Obesity and Related Chronic Diseases, Sydney, Australia.

Title of the talk: “Physical activity and obesity: Is weight loss the best target? ”

According to Robert Ross, weight loss should not be the primary target in the management of obesity. Indeed, attention is often focused on weight loss, especially due to the benefits that are associated with weight loss of 5%. This means that a minor or no weight loss is interpreted as a failure in the management of obesity. However, several interventions that involved physical activity and healthy eating have improved important aspects, including cardiorespiratory fitness and reduced cardiometabolic risk factors, without loss of weight or with low weight loss. So, we should change our approach and focus more on diet and physical activity as a primary target

Read this article to learn more (Prog Cardiovasc Dis, 2015): Click HERE.