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Fonds de recherche sur la santé

News, for quality in science around COVID-19

30 June 2020

Science Pearls 

A new platform for summaries and post-publication peer reviews on COVID-19 litterature

After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, students and physicians in France created a platform offering free summaries of articles on COVID-19 to healthcare workers, including a post-publication analysis with graded quality of evidence. The site has an intuitive interface that allows articles to be sorted according to themes, research topics and quality of evidence. This tool is linked to a research project at the University of Grenoble studying its impact on the mental health of caregivers. The site has received hundreds of thousands of visits in 3 months. As secretary of the CMDO CIE and Vice President for International Affairs of, I have extended this project around the world, with now members from prestigious universities in more than 15 countries. Come and visit us !

Relevant web page related to the article :

Author of the news: : Dr. Abderrahim Benmoussa (CHU Sainte-Justine, Université Montréal (Projet international))