Scientific Meeting 2025 of the Quebec Society of Lipidology, Nutrition and Metabolism (SQLNM), the Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes and Obesity Research Network (CMDO) and the MyRoad Training Platform
5 February 2025 to 7 February 2025
The 2025 Scientific Meeting of the SQLNM, CMDO Network and MyRoad Platform will be held February 5-7, 2025 at the Cheribourg Hotel, Magog-Orford.- This congress will be an academic training activity with CREDITS FOR CONTINUOUS MEDICAL EDUCATION (February 6-7, 2025) for physicians and nurses.
List of winners for the 2024 Congress (only available in French) – Click HERE
The main objective of the SQLNM is to promote training, education and research in the fields of lipidology, nutrition and metabolism in cardiovascular health. The CMDO Network is a group of research teams working in Quebec on cardiometabolic health, diabetes and obesity. It is one of the thematic networks of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) and was created in April 2012. MaRoute is a research training and mentoring platform that optimizes access to personalized training, professional development and experiential learning pathways to help future researchers become competent and interdisciplinary members of research teams that can collectively address the complexity of obesity, diabetes and cardiometabolic diseases. In order to have a strong synergistic impact on the future health of the Quebec population in both dyslipidemia and cardiometabolic aspects, the SQLNM management, under the direction of Dr. Marie-Claude Vohl and Dr. Benoit Arsenault, and the CMDO Network as well as the MaRoute platform under the direction of Dr. André Tchernof, have agreed to hold this symposium jointly. Welcome to all!
CONTACT NAMES : Benoit Arsenault et Marie-Claude Vohl
CMDO Network
CONTACT NAME : Marc André Nault
MyRoad Health Research Training Platform
CONTACT NAME : Mélanie Nadeau